You can view an overview of our compound product portfolio here. In addition to technical data sheets, our database also provides processing prompts, safety data sheets, and other files. For more information and individual solutions, please contact our customer service.
In addition to technical data sheets, our database also provides processing instructions, safety data sheets, and other documents. For more information and personalized solutions, please contact our customer consultant. The customer is fully responsible for the methods of using our products, the technology and other information provided, including formulas and recommendations (hereinafter referred to as "information"), and the purposes for which they are used. Any information we provide does not constitute a quality description and/or a statement regarding whether a specific use is licensed. Therefore, customers must verify all information to determine whether the product is suitable for their specific situation, and whether it truly conforms to the processes and applications that the customer plans to use. Customers are also responsible for ensuring that the expected application method does not infringe upon the property rights of others. Kaibo Jiaobao ® No such review will be conducted, and no approval or license will be applied for specific application methods, unless explicitly specified in a written agreement signed independently. All products are exclusively sold according to our general sales terms and conditions. If you need specific information about these terms and conditions, we can provide it to you at any time.